HITWA08 Contact

Sponsorship Enquiries

Sponsorship package enquires can be directed to:
Leanne Mirabella
Mirabella Counselling and Consultancy Services
Mobile: 0419 200 222
Email: leannemirabella@westnet.com.au

Enquiries related to the payment of sponsorship monies can be directed to:
Inge Young, Treasurer HISA
Address: PO Box 830
Rockingham WA 6168
Mobile: 0433 988 541
Email: inge.young@health.wa.gov.au

Registration Enquiries
(HISA to populate)

Payment Enquiries
(HISA to populate)

HISA Enquiries
Can be directed to:
Louise Schaper, HISA(WA) Chair
Mobile: 0411 661 610
Email: hisawa@hisa.org.au

HIMMA Enquiries
Can be directed to:
Travis Ingram, HIMMA(WA) President
Mobile: 0411 663 551
Email: travis.ingram@health.wa.gov.au